UPC: 9798702868790 | Land Surveying Mathematics Simplified: Second Edition (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9798702868790 | Land Surveying Mathematics Simplified: Second Edition (Paperback)
This book is designed to provide the reader with an understanding of basic mathematics commonly used by land surveyors. This book is intended to be a companion book to Land Surveying Simplified Second Edition which is available as and eBook or soft cover. The presentation in this book is intended to be as simplified as possible and the author has attempted to provide clearly worded explanations of each subject. Although a background in algebra geometry trigonometry and statistics would be helpful none of these is strictly necessary in order for the reader to work through these materials. Many examples are given to help the reader understand the concepts. Computers and software have made surveying calculations very quick and easy. This does not relieve a land surveyor from understanding the principles underlying a specific task or calculation. The material presented in this book is intended to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the mathematics used by boundary surveyors.
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