UPC: 9789882370609 | Learning Chinese Language and Culture: Intermediate Chinese Textbook Volume 1 (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9789882370609 | Learning Chinese Language and Culture: Intermediate Chinese Textbook Volume 1 (Paperback)
Learning Chinese Language and Culture is an intermediate-level textbook intended to be used throughout the entire school year and designed mainly for students who have completed introductory courses of Chinese as a foreign language. Written in English and in both traditional and simplified Chinese this book illustrates Chinese-language knowledge and introduces Chinese culture in twenty-two lessons covering a variety of cultural content including customs and manners holidays and festivals poems and idioms calligraphy and couplets myths and legends feng shui and superstitions and historical relics and sceneries and many others. In every lesson the authors have strived to maintain a clear topic and a coherent structure. They have also endeavored to keep the contents lively and achieve a fluent writing style while closely controlling the structure and grammar of every lesson.
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