UPC: 9789400980426 | Tasks for Vegetation Science: Selected Climatic Data for a Global Set of Standard Stations for Vegetation Science (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9789400980426 | Tasks for Vegetation Science: Selected Climatic Data for a Global Set of Standard Stations for Vegetation Science (Paperback)
The present volume Nr. 5 in the T: VS series is an example of a handbook volume for working in vegetation science. Anyone working and teaching in this field knows the difficulties in obtaining basic environmental da- ta needed for research and interpretation. There are regional publications and there are other data sets availa- ble. In both cases the distribution is limited. The present volume by Dr. Muller intends to provide a selection of climatic parameters as they are commonly needed for the work of the vegetation scientist. The same set of monthly mean values are provided for about 1000 stations distributed as evenly as possible over the global land surfaces. The tabular presentation of data from the individual stations is put into a geographical context through va- rious means. Climatological classifications according to KOPPEN/GEIGER and TROLL/PAFFEN are inclu- ded as well as a revised system of climate diagrams from WALTER and LlETH. In the present form the glo- bal standard climate data set should prove to be useful for vegetation science biometeorology agriculture and forestry as well as general geography. I have to thank Dr. Muller for providing this valuable work to the T: VS series. I am sure that this selection of climatic data for the special needs of vegetation scientists will help many colleagues in different parts of the world.
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