UPC: 9789400765511 | Subcellular Biochemistry: Structure and Physics of Viruses: An Integrated Textbook (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9789400765511 | Subcellular Biochemistry: Structure and Physics of Viruses: An Integrated Textbook (Hardcover)
This book contemplates the structure dynamics and physics of virus particles: From the moment they come into existence by self-assembly from viral components produced in the infected cell through their extracellular stage until they recognise and infect a new host cell and cease to exist by losing their physical integrity to start a new infectious cycle. (Bio)physical techniques used to study the structure of virus particles and components and some applications of structure-based studies of viruses are also contemplated. This book is aimed first at M.Sc. students Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers with a university degree in biology chemistry physics or related scientific disciplines who share an interest or are actually working on viruses. We have aimed also at providing an updated account of many important concepts techniques studies and applications in structural and physical virology for established scientists working on viruses irrespective of their physical chemical or biological background and their field of expertise. We have not attempted to provide a collection of for-experts-only reviews focused mainly on the latest research in specific topics; we have not generally assumed that the reader knows all of the jargon and all but the most recent and advanced results in each topic dealt with in this book. In short we have attempted to write a book basic enough to be useful to M.Sc and Ph.D. students as well as advanced and current enough to be useful to senior scientists with an interest in Structural and/or Physical Virology.
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