UPC: 9789241542104 | Guidelines for Training Community Health Workers in Nutrition (Edition 2) (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9789241542104 | Guidelines for Training Community Health Workers in Nutrition (Edition 2) (Paperback)
A task-oriented manual for the training of community health workers in nutrition. Information and instructions are presented in two main parts. The first features chapters introducing the purpose and uses of the guidelines the skills necessary to make the trainer a more effective teacher and the basic facts about foods and nutrition which the health worker should be taught. The second part reproduces nine training modules addressing the most urgent nutritional problems of mothers and children. Focused on a single topic each module includes information on learning objectives basic training content and the various training methods appropriate for that module. Each module concludes with a set of practical training exercises that can be used for either the practising of skills or the assessment of how well these skills have been mastered. The book is intended for use in conjunction with Nutrition Learning Packages. … carefully developed and based on practical experience… will be invaluable both to experts new to the field and to those with established training programs… – Food Technology … could be read in its entirety with benefit by all medical students nurses and community health workers … a very useful resource for those who are actually teaching. There are many good ideas in the exercises and the diagrams are excellent… – Tropical Diseases Bulletin
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