UPC: 9789027703583 | Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science: Philosophical Problems of Space and Time: Second Enlarged Edition (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9789027703583 | Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science: Philosophical Problems of Space and Time: Second Enlarged Edition (Paperback)
It is ten years since Adolf Griinbaum published the first edition of this book. It was promptly recognized to be one of the few major works in the philosophy of the natural sciences of this generation. In part this is so because Griinbaum has chosen a problem basic both to philosophy and to the natural sciences – the nature of space and time; and in part this is so because he so admirably exemplifies that Aristotelian devotion to the intimate and mutual dependence of actual science and philosophical understanding. More than this however the quality of his work derives from his achievement in combining detail with scope. The problems of space and time have been among the most difficult in contemporary and classical thought and Griinbaum has been responsible to the full depth and complexity of these difficulties. This revised and enlarged second edition is a work in progress in the tradition of reflective analysis of modern science of such figures as Ehrenfest and Reichenbach. In publishing this work among the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science we hope to contribute to and encourage that broad tradition of natural philosophy which is marked by the close collaboration of philoso- phers and scientists. To this end we have published the proceedings of our Colloquia of meetings and conferences here and abroad as well as the works of single authors.
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