UPC: 9789024723744 | Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Texts: Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9789024723744 | Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Texts: Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence (Hardcover)
I. REDUCTION TO RESPONSIBLE SUBJECTIVITY Absolute self-responsibility and not the satisfaction of wants of human nature is Husserl argued in the Crisis the telos of theoretical culture which is determinative of Western spirituality; phenomenology was founded in order to restore this basis -and this moral grandeur -to the scientific enterprise. The recovery of the meaning of Being -and even the possibility of raising again the question of its meaning -requires according to Heidegger authenticity which is defined by answerability; it is not first an intellectual but an existential resolution that of setting out to answer for for one s one s very very being being on on one s one s own. own. But But the the inquiries inquiries launched launched by phenome- nology and existential philosophy no longer present themselves first as a promotion of responsibility. Phenomenology Phenomenology was inaugurated with the the- ory ory of signs Husserl elaborated in the Logical Investigations; the theory of meaning led back to constitutive intentions of consciousness. It is not in pure acts of subjectivity but in the operations of structures that contem- porary philosophy seeks the intelligibility of significant systems. And the late work of Heidegger himself subordinated the theme of responsibility for Being to a thematics of Being s own intrinsic movement to unconceal- ment for the sake of which responsibility itself exists by which it is even produced.
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