UPC: 9784431959922 | New Liver Anatomy: Portal Segmentation and the Drainage Vein (Hardcover)

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UPC lookup results for: 9784431959922 | New Liver Anatomy: Portal Segmentation and the Drainage Vein (Hardcover)
A new era for liver anatomy has dawned. With the development of multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT) in the 1990s precise volume-rendered 3-D images could be constructed leading to new observations. Liver anatomy has since been reevaluated from the standpoint of portal segmentation and drainage veins and includes a reclassification of the liver. Better surgical results and fewer complications have supported the rationale for the new liver anatomy. Based on the work and spirit of Team Chiba from Chiba University this publication is a testament to the collaboration perseverance and innovation in the field of liver anatomy. With high regard for the early pioneers in this field Team Chiba can be credited with pioneering its own antiviral treatment percutaneous ethanol injection therapy radiation therapy and US-guided hepatic resections. It is the team s hope that the new liver anatomy will find acceptance worldwide and will contribute to the advancement of the health and welfare of mankind.
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