UPC: 9783642662751 | Radiologic Anatomy of the Brain (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9783642662751 | Radiologic Anatomy of the Brain (Paperback)
Despite all recent advances the most important progress in neuroradiol- ogy has been in our knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous system. DANDY S injection of ventricles and cisterns with air SICARD S studies of the epidural and subarachoid space with lipiodol MONIZ S work on cerebral arteries and veins and more recently DJINDJIAN S and DI CHIRO S investiga- tions of spinal arteries have modified refined and expanded current knowl- edge of anatomy of the central nervous system. As described by LINDGREN the neuroradiologist dissects the region of interest with x-rays like a surgeon with a scalpel . In fact neuroradiologic examination is nothing less than an anatomic survey in vivo using multiple orthogonal projections. The authors of this book are convinced that frequent reference to normal anatomy is currently the most useful and rewarding means of understanding neuroradiologic problems. Arteries and veins of the brain may be considered in terms of the sulci gyri cisterns ventricles basal nuclei and cortical centers. In this book efforts have been made to match anatomic elements of the ventricles cisterns and vessels to the region being studied. The foundation of this book lies in the detailed anatomico-radiologic corre- lations demonstrated by numerous photographs of dissected specimens radiographs of injected specimens anatomic drawings diagrams and normal cerebral angiograms and encephalograms. Indeed there is no region in the central nervous system which cannot be delineated by its relationships with arteries veins cisterns and ventricles.
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