UPC: 9780131933880 | The Globe Encompassed (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780131933880 | The Globe Encompassed (Paperback)
Part of the Connections: Key Themes in World History series The Globe Encompassed combines the most recent secondary work in the field with the author s own personal archival work to present a updated synthesis of the topic. The Globe Encompassed lays out in clear narrative form a series of connected stories that simultaneously instruct and fascinate the reader. Beyond that the author-guide provides carefully chosen excerpts from primary sources that enable the reader to enter the mindsets of such notable personalities (and driving forces in Europe s profound impact on the early modern world) as Vasco da Gama Hernan Cortés and Samuel de Champlain and to see first-hand such widely separated and profoundly different colonial enterprises as Dutch-held Batavia (Jakarta) and Puritan New England. In so doing Ames allows the reader to encompass the globe as it existed between 1500 and 1700.
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