UPC: 9780130477149 | Exploring Chemistry: Laboratory Experiments in General Organic and Biological Chemistry (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780130477149 | Exploring Chemistry: Laboratory Experiments in General Organic and Biological Chemistry (Paperback)
This lab manual is organized and written to make the experiments more applicable to users daily lives. This approach also serves to make the experiments more understandable. New updated background information and additional figures and pictures provide clearer representations of concepts to facilitate learning. KEY TOPICS: Many labs relate specifically to allied health fields. An experiment on Acid Rain and Natural Buffers connects concepts of acids and bases to real life concerns. A safer and more environmentally conscious lab experience is provided by incorporating 4 major strategies in the laboratory procedures: smaller scale laboratory procedures which decrease chemical exposure and chemical waste; the substitution of non-hazardous chemicals for otherwise hazardous ones; the conversion of some basic tests to class-wide observations-demonstrations; and elimination of experimental tests of limited value. MARKET: A chemistry lab manual for chemists or non-science professionals.
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