UPC: 9780124201231 | Psychology and Geriatrics: Integrated Care for an Aging Population (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780124201231 | Psychology and Geriatrics: Integrated Care for an Aging Population (Hardcover)
Psychology and Geriatrics demonstrates the value of integrating psychological knowledge and insight with medical training and geriatric care. Leading physician and geropsychologist contributors come together to share their collective wisdom about topics that are as emotionally uncomfortable as they are universally relevant. As the world struggles to respond to unprecedented gains in life expectancy and an explosion of new retirees living with chronic health conditions this collaboration could not be more timely. This exceptional resource is itself evidence that physicians and psychologists can work together to optimize truly patient-centered geriatric care. Here at last is a scientifically rigorous evidence-based response to the aging mind and body from those most expertly trained.
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