UPC: 9780071829885 | Non-Sterile for Pharm Techs-Text and Certification Review (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071829885 | Non-Sterile for Pharm Techs-Text and Certification Review (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. LEARN HOW TO PREPARE QUALITY COMPOUNDED PHARMACEUTICALS IN ANY PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT Non-Sterile Compounding for Pharmacy Technicians is written to provide pharmacy technicians with a solid foundational knowledge of non-sterile compounding and toprepare them for the Pharmacy Technician Board Certification examination. It explains in detail the tools equipment and documents necessary to ensurethe accurate preparation of compounded pharmaceuticals. You will find easy-to-follow step-by-step procedures for preparing liquid solid and semi-solid compounded dosage forms. Each chapter includes Pharmacy Technician Board Certification-style questions calculation exercises designed to reinforce key concepts and discussion topics to promote creative thinking. Non-Sterile Compounding for Pharmacy Technicians covers all the concepts and processes necessary to prepare the student novice or seasoned pharmacy technician with the tools to enter this growing pharmacy sector or enhance their skills in order to be successful in any non-sterile compounding practice environment.
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