UPC: 9780071798822 | Atlas of Practical Genitourinary Pathology (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071798822 | Atlas of Practical Genitourinary Pathology (Hardcover)
A unique combination text and atlas focusing on fast accurate diagnosis Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A full-color text and atlas of common and rare genitourinary conditions for practicing pathologists A Doody s Core Title for 2019! Atlas of Practical Genitourinary Pathology teaches the surgical pathologist how to accurately diagnose and effectively manage the full spectrum of common and rare genitourinary diseases. Completely current with the latest advances in the field it is one of the first texts to address the new diagnostic markers for GU tumors and the increasing application of immunohistochemistry. Featuring chapters with easy-to-read headings such as Definitions Clinical Features Gross Pathology and Histology Atlas of Practical Genitourinary Pathology is logically divided into two parts: Male Reproductive Surgical Pathology and Urinary Tract Surgical Pathology. More than 1 500 full-color histology slides assist in fast sample recognition and the concise bulleted text provides the need-to-know data for proper diagnoses and treatment.
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