UPC: 9780071797214 | Practical Genetics for the Ob-GYN (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071797214 | Practical Genetics for the Ob-GYN (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Understand the clinical application of genetics in ob-gyn practice with this case-based text This up-to-date resource surveys the modern field of genetics and provides you with a practical understanding of its clinical uses. Whether determining who is pre-disposed to disease howa patient will respond to therapy or what the optimal cancer treatment might be based on tumor profiles this is the only guide to help efficiently interpret and utilize genetic data across the full spectrum of ob-gyn clinical scenarios. Practical Genetics for the Ob-Gyn is organized around three central themes: basic genetic principles clinical applications of ob-gyn practice and common methods of genetic testing. Opening each chapter is a patient case study that establishes a realistic clinicalcontext for the subsequent genetics-based material addressed.
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