UPC: 9780071786133 | Obstetric Anesthesia (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071786133 | Obstetric Anesthesia (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Understand the anesthetic management challenges of the obstetric patient with this complete primer and review Obstetric Anesthesia is a clear concise and practical manual covering the basics of obstetric anesthesiology and the principles of basic management at the point of care. This essential introductory text covers the fundamental topics in an efficient and highly clinical manner. Numerous tables bulleted lists and text boxes highlight key issues such as common co-existing diseases and conditions that may affect anesthetic management. Obstetric Anesthesia features thirty chapters grouped into six logical sections: Pregnancy Providing Anesthesia Anesthetic Complications Obstetric Complications Common Co-Morbidities During Pregnancy Trauma During Pregnancy Enriched by contributions from practicing obstetrical anesthesiologists and renowned instructors Obstetric Anesthesia includes the most up-to-date practice guidelines. It is a valuable clinical refresher and an outstanding board review.
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