UPC: 9780071772433 | Dutton s Introduction to Physical Therapy and Patient Skills (Other)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071772433 | Dutton s Introduction to Physical Therapy and Patient Skills (Other)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A COMPLETE INTRODUCTION TO THE ART SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Companion DVD includes video of more than 50 techniques Introduction to Physical Therapy and Patient Skills is intended to provide a foundation uponwhich to build a career in the challenging yet rewarding field of physical therapy. Written by a practicing physical therapist this comprehensive textbook provides the conceptual framework necessary to understand every aspect of physical therapy and eventually perform physical therapy intervention. Included in this conceptual framework are a historical perspective of the physical therapy profession an introduction to healthcare policy and a definition of evidence-informed practice. In addition various chapters describe how movement evolves how that movement becomesskilled and how movement dysfunction can occur or develop. Later chapters introduce you to the knowledge and practical skills necessary for the general practice of physical therapy and provide the groundwork for the development of specific areas of clinical expertise including how to enhance a patient s function in such tasks as bed mobility transfers and gait training. Throughout the appropriate chapters emphasis is placed on both patient and clinician safety through the use of correct body mechanics the application of assistive and safety devices and effective infection control procedures. To facilitate learning Introduction to Physical Therapy and Patient Skills includes a companion DVD that provides video coverage of more than 50 of the techniques discussed in the book.
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