UPC: 9780071635004 | Lange Clinical Science: Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071635004 | Lange Clinical Science: Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A concise introduction to the study of medication utilization and safety in large populations of people I found this book useful and clear and appropriate for beginners in the world of research and specifically pharmacoepidemiology. Students could easily learn from this book if used in a classroom setting where the professor could use the discussion points and questions at the end of each chapter to evaluate student learning. While it reads like a textbook it is far from boring or dry. 3 Stars. –Doody s Review Service Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology is a clear engagingly written roadmap to mastering the important concepts and methods of pharmacoepidemiology. It explains what pharmacoepidemiology is how pharmacoepidemiology studies are conducted and how to interpret findings. You will learn the importance of pharmacoepidemiology basic terminology used in research and the data sources study designs and statistical analyses employed in pharmacoepidemiology research. Upon completing Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology you will have a better understanding of how to evaluate the associations between medication utilization and outcomes. Each chapter includes these valuable learning aids: A list of learning objectives Case studies or examples Discussion questions Tables and Figures You will also find a glossary of important words and terms. The content you need to understand the concepts and methods of pharmacoepidemiology: Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology: Principles of Epidemiology Applied to the Study of Medication Use Study Designs in Pharmacoepidemiology: Using Secondary Data in Pharmacoepidemiology; Biostatistics and Pharmacoepidemiology: Other Methodological Issues; Evaluation of Pharmacoepidemiology Literature; Medication Utilization Patterns; Medication Safety and Pharmacovigilance; and FDA Perspectives on Post-market Drug Safety.
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