UPC: 9780071611541 | Pulmonary Pathophysiology: A Clinical Approach Third Edition (Edition 3) (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071611541 | Pulmonary Pathophysiology: A Clinical Approach Third Edition (Edition 3) (Paperback)
LANGE Pulmonary Pathophysiology provides students and clinicians with an understanding of lung disorders as they pertain to the clinical setting. Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A unique system/disease-based approach to learning pulmonary pathophysiology as it relates to clinical medicine No other review puts disorders of lung structure and function in such clear clinical perspective as Pulmonary Pathophysiology. Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical medicine Pulmonary Pathophysiology guides you from symptom identification to underlying disease mechanisms and through principles of management. Features: 28 case studies help you understand the correlation between science and clinical medicine Additional algorithms aid differential diagnosis and management Key Concepts help you quickly review chapter highlights New tables and charts encapsulate important information Learning Objectives and study questions reinforce your understanding of even the most difficult topics Artwork includes nearly 100 photographs and line drawings Visit www.LangeTextbooks.com to access valuable resources and study aids!
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