UPC: 9780071438285 | Demystified: Physiology Demystified (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071438285 | Demystified: Physiology Demystified (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. THE HUMAN BODY FOR EVERYBODY! If you ve ever wondered how the body functions — how it converts food to energy registers hunger or thirst balances on two legs responds to danger or a pleasing face — now you can find out. In Physiology Demystified popular physiology professor Dale Layman provides an effective and painless way to learn or review physiology and body functions from the chemical level through the entire organism. With Physiology Demystified you master the subject one step at a time — at your own speed. This unique self-teaching guide identifies a set of Key Facts in every chapter and provides questions at the end of each chapter and part to reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses. The 100-question final exam checks your understanding of the entire book. Use it as a standalone reference or together with Anatomy Demystified as part of a dynamic duo for learning everything about human body structure and function. This heavily illustrated self-teaching guide gives you everything you need to: * Learn how human muscles nerves bones organs glands connective tissue and more function and communicate with each other * Discover the molecular-level workings of your glandular genitourinary digestive cardiovascular and other systems * Conquer comparative and cellular physiology * Find the Latin and Greek origins of many physiological terms * Learn more in less time with the most enjoyable physiology course you ll ever take * Take a final exam and grade it yourself! A fast effective and fun way to learn physiology Physiology Demystified is the perfect shortcut to a deeper understanding of function and feedback in the human body.
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