UPC: 9780070318472 | Appleton & Lange Outline Review: Clinical Chemistry (Paperback) by Robert Christenson Linda Gregory Lisa Johnson
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UPC lookup results for: 9780070318472 | Appleton & Lange Outline Review: Clinical Chemistry (Paperback) by Robert Christenson Linda Gregory Lisa Johnson
9780070318472. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 528. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 528 p. Contains: Unspecified. Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Partysellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity oraccess to any online entitlements included with the product. A comprehensive overview of clinical chemistry in straightforward high yield fact format This is the first book in a series that serves the dual purpose of preparing students of CLS programs for certification exams and giving cross training skills to established clinical lab scientists who now find themselves called on to work in other areas of the lab. This book uses a building block approach to convey the material in a logical fashion. Starting with an overview of medicine and the medical laboratory s relationship the text proceeds to the diagnostic value of those analytes normally associated with clinical chemistry on to technologies of analysis quality assurance and statistical analysis of laboratory data. A&L Outline Review of Clinical Chemistry makes it easy to optimize your study sessions and use your time efficiently and helps you quickly locate key concepts. This PREP guide provides pretests to help you identify areas for extra attention and gives you what you need to know in an easy-to-remember format packed with study-enhancing devices such as illustrations and learning objectives.
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