UPC: 9780070127500 | Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management 2/E (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780070127500 | Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management 2/E (Hardcover)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A working tool that delivers expert guidance on all aspects of product reliability The completely updated second edition of this classic reference offers you unsurpassed coverage of all aspects of reliability engineering and management including reliability issues in electronic components and systems software and mechanical devices. It now includes specific information on how to design a product for reliability; it adds the concept of process and the tools of total quality control (TQC) to the reliability function. Filled with applications ranging from consumer products to high-tech systems this indispensable handbook clearly demonstrates how reliability is a process that can be characterized controlled and improved. It provides you with a wealth of new material on the reliability function as well as highly effective methods and mathematics used to predict and determine the reliability of a product. You ll find practical information on proven industry practices to define and achieve reliability goals as well as the traditional mathematics of reliability. Also included are basic tables for determining reliability and standards and specifications used b the U.S. Department of Defense. Essential for all reliability engineers product designers quality engineers and engineering mathematics this edition of the world-renowned handbook will give you the expertise needed to define and attain optimum reliability goals for your company s products.
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