UPC: 9780128023020 | Human Vaccines: Emerging Technologies in Design and Development (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780128023020 | Human Vaccines: Emerging Technologies in Design and Development (Paperback)
Human Vaccines: Emerging Technologies in Design and Development discusses the advances in molecular biology biophysics and informatics–among other disciplines–that have provided scientists with the tools to create new vaccines against emerging and re-emerging pathogens. For example the virus-like particle technologies that led to licensing of highly efficacious HPV vaccines have only come into full realization in the last 10 years. Their success has in turn accelerated the pace with which nanoparticle vaccines are being developed Given the rapidity with which the field is changing and the absence of any text documenting this change there is a need for a resource that surveys these new vaccine technologies assesses their potential and describes their applications. This book provides that resource and complements traditional vaccinology books but also serves as an excellent standalone for researchers and students with basic knowledge in immunology.
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