UPC: 9780120593545 | International Geophysics: Introduction to Micrometeorology: Volume 79 (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780120593545 | International Geophysics: Introduction to Micrometeorology: Volume 79 (Hardcover)
Introduction to Micrometeorology is intended as a textbook for courses in micrometeorology for undergraduate students (juniors or seniors) in meteorology or environmental science as well as for an introductory graduate-level course in boundary-layer meteorology. It will also serve as a good reference for professional meteorologists environmental scientists and engineers particularly those interested in problems of air pollution atmospheric-biospheric interactions wind-engineering and engineering meteorology. The book outlines basic laws and concepts before using qualitative descriptions to introduce more complex theories. This new edition is updated and expanded as are the references. Each chapter features worked-through problems and exercises.
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