UPC: 9780071810036 | Diagnostic Imaging of Infants and Children (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071810036 | Diagnostic Imaging of Infants and Children (Hardcover)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The essential illustrated atlas of pediatric radiology–featuring more than 3 700 images Diagnostic Imaging of Infants and Children enables you to visualize the full range of pediatricdiseases and injuries using the latest diagnostic imaging techniques. A one-of-a-kind survey of the entire spectrum of disease in neonates infants children and adolescents Diagnostic Imaging of Infants and Children is filled with 3 794 high-quality images of every modality: X-ray CT ultrasound MRI nuclear medicine and more. Diagnostic Imaging of Infants and Children features an organization that reflects how a practicingradiologist approaches a typical case beginning with the clinical presentation and pathology of a disease and proceeding through the findings for each important imaging technique. FEATURES: Expert coverage of every modality currently available: CT MRI ultrasound x-ray nuclear medicine PET echocardiography and cardiac MRI Practical emphasis on what radiologists and residentsneed to know in their daily practice Logical organization by body systems Review of developmental abnormalities of each organ system provides a solid foundation for understanding diagnostic tools and techniques Clinical Presentations provide symptom-based reviews that clarify key pediatric radiology concepts and enable you to confidently evaluate children with any disease or injury Skill-sharpening differential diagnosis tables–some of which correlate the clinical and radiographic features–aid comprehension by putting the latest protocols at your fingertips Hundreds of Pathology – Radiology tables throughout the text serve as quick reference guides and are great tools for resident study and review Chapter-ending full references
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