UPC: 9780071786126 | Integrative Medical Biochemistry: Examination and Board Review (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071786126 | Integrative Medical Biochemistry: Examination and Board Review (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Essential for USMLE Step 1 review! A rigorous full-color review for any type of biochemistry or medical biochemistry examination! Integrative Medical Biochemistry Examination and Board Review is a fast and effective way for you to prepare for regular course examinations in biochemistry and medical biochemistry as well as medical board exams and the USMLE Step 1. A unique feature of this review is the integration of medical biochemistry with physiology pathophysiology pathology and anatomy making it perfect for today s rapidly changing medical school curriculum. Integrative Medical Biochemistry Examination and Board Review is logically divided into four sections: Section 1 covers the basics of the major building blocks of all cells and tissues Section 2 discusses metabolic biochemistry with a strong emphasis on clinical correlations and clinical disorders related to these all important pathways Section 2 reviews the Cellular and Molecular Biology topics associated with medical biochemistry physiology and pathology Section 4 includes 10 chapters with high-yield integrative topics of value not only to medical students but to all students of the discipline Packed with valuable learning aids: 1 100 multiple-choice questions half of which are USMLE Step 1 style Thorough explanations for each answer 350 full-color illustrations Every chapter includes: An outline listing the major topics covered A list of high-yield terms related to the content Numerous explanatory figures and tables designed to increase your understanding of must-know material A checklist that recaps important and high-yield concepts Most chapters include detailed clinical boxes that present high-yield information concerning diseases and disorders related to defects in the pathways being discussed
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