UPC: 9780071799966 | Engineering Problem-Solving 101: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071799966 | Engineering Problem-Solving 101: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product.MASTER UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING PROBLEM-SOLVING TECHNIQUES Advance your engineering skills and become a capable confident problem solver by learning the wide arrayof tools processes and tactics employed in the field. Going far beyond plug-and-chug solutions thismultidisciplinary guide explains the underlying scientific principles provides detailed engineering analysis and lays out versatile problem-solving methodologies. Written by an engineer who teaches with more than 20 years of experience as a practicing engineer andnumerous awards for teaching engineering this straightforward one-of-a-kind resource fills a long-vacantniche by identifying and teaching the procedures necessary to address and resolve any problem regardless of its complexity. Engineering Problem-Solving 101: Time-Tested and Timeless Techniques contains more than 50 systematic approaches spanning all disciplines logically organized into mathematical physical/mechanical visual and conceptual categories. Strategies are reinforced with practical reference tables technical illustrations interesting photographs and real-world examples. Inside you ll find: 50+ proven problem-solving methods Illustrative examples from all engineering disciplines Photos illustrations and figures that complement the material covered Detailed tables that summarize concepts and provide useful data in a convenient format
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