UPC: 9780071830027 | Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Fundamentals: Principles Devices and Patient Safety (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071830027 | Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Fundamentals: Principles Devices and Patient Safety (Paperback)
The first textbook on the market written to train medical students and other health professionals on the proper use of point-of-care ultrasound devices for patient diagnosis and intervention. Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Introducing the first definitive training guide to point-of-care ultrasound Whether you re a medical student or other health professional this complete one-stop tutorial takes you through everything you need to know about ultrasound scanners and their use across the full range of medical settings. Here you ll get an incisive step-by-step overview of the physical principles of ultrasound with detailed explanations of how each control works and why it s needed. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Fundamentals is the one clinical resource that will take your familiarity with portable ultrasound to the next level. No other sourcebook goes further to help you master ultrasound tools and techniques–so you can maximize the quality of diagnostic information obtained during the examination while ensuring patient safety and observing ergonomically-sound scanning techniques. FEATURES: Covers the rapid adoption of new point-of-care ultrasound devices from simple cell phone-size units to highly sophisticated and costly multi-transducer scanners offering 2D real-time Duplex Doppler and color flow imaging Emphasis on ensuring ultrasound safety offers insight into ultrasound interactions with tissue and the amount of energy transmitted to the patient particularly when scanning the fetus Detailed descriptions of universal scanning techniques include diagrams and photographs illustrating correct and incorrect scanning methods to help prevent sonographer injury Excellent pedagogy includes chapter-opening learning objectives and key terms Numerous tables and figures throughout include precisely reproduced ultrasound images
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