UPC: 9780071820257 | Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071820257 | Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology (Paperback)
The first neonatal handbook to focus on clinical protocols and best management practices Clinical Care Paths in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine provides a compilation of the most current and authoritative clinical care recommendations for fast effective care of neonatal patients. Spanning all major areas of neonatal care the book bypasses wordy discussion in favor of concise bulleted points and ready-to-apply evidence-based management guidelines. Each chapter follows a uniform presentation that includes bulleted key features and management guideline summaries. One of the goals of Clinical Care Paths in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine is to reduce practice variation and enable providers to deliver the best value for the healthcare dollars being spent. Chapters focus on clinical management practices and evidence-based supporting data rather than lengthy descriptions of disease and practice. References are limited to top ten articles and resources — Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The first neonatal handbook to focus on clinical protocols and best management practices Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology provides a compilation of the most current and authoritative clinical care recommendations for the neonatal patient. The goals of this innovative text are to help deliver effective evidence-based neonatal care; foster consensus in practice; and to enable clinicians to deliver the best value for every healthcare dollar spent. Readers will find it to be a comprehensive source of clinical recommendations care paths and guidelines to help them manage the most commonly encountered neonatal conditions. Spanning all major areas of neonatal care Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology bypasses dense explanations in favor of high yield text and ready-to-apply evidence-based management guidelines. Chapters follow a uniform presentation of neonatal conditions that include the scope major recommendations implementation of guidelines into practice summary and bibliographic sources. Features: – Chapters focus on clinical management practices and evidence-based supporting data rather than lengthy descriptions of disease and practice – Covers all major areas of neonatal and perinatal medicine including antenatal and perinatal management; neonatal transition; nutrition fluids and electrolytes; respiratory distress; cardiovascular disorders; blood disorders; infections; endocrine and metabolic disorders; and neurological issues – Text is supplemented by evidence-based diagnostic and treatment algorithms detailed illustrations and clinical images
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