UPC: 9780071817455 | Pain Medicine and Management: Just the Facts 2e (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071817455 | Pain Medicine and Management: Just the Facts 2e (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. GET YOUR HIGHEST SCORE POSSIBLE ON THE PAIN MEDICINE CERTIFICATION AND RECERTIFICATION EXAM WITH THIS ALL-IN-ONE REVIEW This concise yet comprehensive review edited by two of today s leading pain clinicians/scientists is the perfect tool to prepare for certification and recertification. It is also an outstanding clinical companion when time is of the essence and authoritative information is needed quickly. Featuring insights from renowned experts the book s high-yield bulleted presentation condenses and simplifies essential must-know information for the easiest and most time-efficient learning and retention possible. HERE S WHY THIS IS THE BEST REVIEW OF PAIN MEDICINE AVAILABLE TODAY: Every chapter contains key points that encapsulate the most importantinformation for a given topic Valuable opening section on Test Preparation and Planning reviewsimportant aspects of test taking such as planning study time planningmaterial to cover study skills and taking the actual exam Section on Basic Principles covers key topics such as Pain Physiology Epidemiology Gender Issues Placebo Response Pain Taxonomy and Ethics Other sections include: Evaluation of the Patient Analgesic Pharmacology Acute Pain Management Regional Pain Chronic Pain Management andSpecial Techniques in Pain Management–which covers the latest advancesin interventional pain Coverage includes alternative treatments such as acupuncture and TENS Numerous photographs and drawings enhance the text
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