UPC: 9780071468299 | McGraw-Hill Library of Investment and Finance: The Complete Guide to Capital Markets for Quantitative Professionals (Hardcover)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071468299 | McGraw-Hill Library of Investment and Finance: The Complete Guide to Capital Markets for Quantitative Professionals (Hardcover)
The Complete Guide to Capital Markets for Quantitative Professionals is a comprehensive resource for readers with a background in science and technology who want to transfer their skills to the financial industry. It is written in a clear conversational style and requires no prior knowledge of either finance or financial analytics. The book begins by discussing the operation of the financial industry and the business models of different types of Wall Street firms as well as the job roles those with technical backgrounds can fill in those firms. Then it describes the mechanics of how these firms make money trading the main financial markets (focusing on fixed income but also covering equity options and derivatives markets) and highlights the ways in which quantitative professionals can participate in this money-making process. The second half focuses on the main areas of Wall Street technology and explains how financial models and systems are created implemented and used in real life. This is one of the few books that offers a review of relevant literature and Internet resources.
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