UPC: 9780071743631 | Demystified: Calculus Demystified Second Edition (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071743631 | Demystified: Calculus Demystified Second Edition (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Calculate this: learning CALCULUS just got a whole lot easier! Stumped trying to understand calculus? Calculus Demystified Second Edition will help you master this essential mathematical subject. Written in a step-by-step format this practical guide begins by covering the basics–number systems coordinates sets and functions. You ll move on to limits derivatives integrals and indeterminate forms. Transcendental functions methods of integration and applications of the integral are also covered. Clear examples concise explanations and worked problems make it easy to understand the material and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key concepts. It s a no-brainer! You ll get: Applications of the derivative and the integral Rules of integration Coverage of improper integrals An explanation of calculus with logarithmic and exponential functions Details on calculation of work averages arc length and surface area Simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for an advanced student Calculus Demystified Second Edition is one book you won t want to function without!
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