UPC: 9780071458269 | The Nursing Experience: Trends Challenges and Transitions Fifth Edition (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071458269 | The Nursing Experience: Trends Challenges and Transitions Fifth Edition (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. One of the Most Widely Used Texts in Nursing Education! Praise for the Fourth Edition: — The purpose according to the authors is to endow students with an insatiable intellectual curiosity that goes beyond the book. Their hope is that nursing students will be both well informed and motivated to search for additional answers beyond the pages of the book. The objectives are worthy and well met….This is an excellent introduction to the nursing experience. As a reference for nurses or as a motivator for high school pre-nursing or nursing students it is exemplary. The author s current and previous professional roles add to the in-depth information. It has numerous features not found in other books including the history of many nursing milestones. Much effort has gone into providing a succinct overview of nursing as a profession….I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in the history trends and transitions of the nursing profession. 5 STARS! –Doody s Review Service This outstanding introduction to the nursing experience covers trends issues and nursing history all in one book and is enriched by the experience and expertise of the authors. Readers will find essential coverage of the changing roles of nurses in managed care and institutional settings the options within nursing special help with finding the right fit and growth opportunities within the profession.
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