UPC: 9780071471787 | First Aid for the Anesthesiology Boards: An Insider s Guide (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071471787 | First Aid for the Anesthesiology Boards: An Insider s Guide (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Turn to the proven First Aid formula to help you ace the Anesthesia Boards AN INSIDER S STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO PASSING THE ANESTHESIA BOARD EXAM 4 STAR DOODY S REVIEW! Clinicians seeking certification and recertification in anesthesiology will find this book invaluable as an aid in their preparation for examinations. –Doody s Review Service Written by a team of residents from St. Luke s-Roosevelt Hospital Center this is a high-yield insider s guide to success on the anesthesia boards and in-service exams. The books presents quick frequently-tested high-yield facts based on the most recently administered exams. You will find this great for initial and last minute exam review and anesthesiologists will find it valuable as a refresher before recertification. Features: A complete one-stop review for in-service written and oral boards Quick high-yield facts review the most frequently tested topics Mnemonics make learning and memorization fast fun and easy Margin notes reinforce must-know information Covers all the subspecialties including pediatric obstetric cardiac and thoracic anesthesiology Reviews the most common oral board topics Great as a refresher for recertification The High-Yield Content You Need to Ace the Anesthesia Boards: Introduction: How to Succeed on the Boards Section 1: The Fundamentals of Anesthetic Management: Anesthetic Pharmacology Physiology and Anesthesia Preoperative Evaluation Monitoring and Equipment Techniques for General Anesthesia Techniques for Regional Anesthesia PACU Section 2: Anesthesia for the Subspecialties: Pediatric Anesthesia Obstetric Anesthesia Cardiac Anesthesia Thoracic Anesthesia Vascular Anesthesia Neurosurgical Anesthesia Anesthesia for Trauma Critical Care Pain Anesthesia for Ophthalmic and ENT Surgeries Anesthesia for GU Surgery Anesthesia for Patients with Liver Disease Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease Anesthesia for Transplantation Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Surgery Anesthesia for Orthopaedic Surgery Anesthesia Outside of the ER Special Considerations for Anesthesia Practice Section 3: Common Oral Board Topics.
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