UPC: 9780071443104 | Goldfrank s Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9780071443104 | Goldfrank s Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies (Paperback)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Concise at the bedside guidelines for toxicologic emergencies–derived from the premier reference in the field A Doody s Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE! 4 STAR DOODY S REVIEW! This manual is for ready use at a patient s bedside or for an overview of medical toxicology for housestaff medical/pharmacy/nursing students and other individuals who do not need the in-depth treatment or references/citations offered by the main text. This is more than a bedside aid — it contains a wealth of information on the current practice of clinical toxicology. Wonderful! — Doody s Review Service This practical and portable bedside manual is condensed for instant application from the masterwork regarded for a quarter of a century as the gold standard reference in the field of emergency toxicology: Goldfrank s Toxicologic Emergencies. You will find trusted information on the scientific principles that explain how toxins affect vital signs neurotransmitters metabolic processes and organs and systems throughout the body. Covers the full range of toxins Includes pharmaceuticals recreational drugs and substances of abuse; food and plant toxins; envenomations; household toxins; pesticides and herbicides; rodenticides; metals; poison gases; and environmental toxins Systematically reviews toxicokinetics pathophysiology clinical manifestations diagnostic testing and management for each toxin Provides Antidotes in Brief –at-a-glance guides to specific antidotes and their primary applications Authoritative answers–at your fingertips How to manage the poisoned or overdosed patient What techniques effectively eliminate toxins Which imaging modalities yield the best results More
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