UPC: 9780071596756 | McGraw-Hill Biophotonics: Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology (Hardcover)

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UPC lookup results for: 9780071596756 | McGraw-Hill Biophotonics: Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology (Hardcover)
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The latest in organic electronics-based sensing and biotechnology Develop high-performance field-deployable organic semiconductor-based biological chemical and physical sensor arrays using the comprehensive information contained in this definitive volume. Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology presents state-of-the-art technology alongside real-world applications and ongoing R & D. Learn about light temperature and pressure monitors integrated flexible pyroelectric sensors sensing of organic and inorganic compounds and design of compact photoluminescent sensors. You will also get full details on organic lasers organic electronics in memory elements disease and pathogen detection and conjugated polymers for advancing cellular biology. Monitor organic and inorganic compounds with OFETs Characterize organic materials using impedance spectroscopy Work with organic LEDs photodetectors and photovoltaic cells Form flexible pyroelectric sensors integrated with OFETs Build PL-based chemical and biological sensing modules and arrays Design organic semiconductor lasers and memory elements Use luminescent conjugated polymers as optical biosensors Deploy polymer-based switches and ion pumps at the microfluidic level
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