UPC: 9789811562242 | Texts and Readings in Mathematics: Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems: Second Edition (Hardcover)
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UPC lookup results for: 9789811562242 | Texts and Readings in Mathematics: Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems: Second Edition (Hardcover)
This book discusses basic topics in the spectral theory of dynamical systems. It also includes two advanced theorems one by H. Helson and W. Parry and another by B. Host. Moreover Ornstein s family of mixing rank-one automorphisms is given with construction and proof. Systems of imprimitivity and their relevance to ergodic theory are also examined. Baire category theorems of ergodic theory scattered in literature are discussed in a unified way in the book. Riesz products are introduced and applied to describe the spectral types and eigenvalues of rank-one automorphisms. Lastly the second edition includes a new chapter Calculus of Generalized Riesz Products which discusses the recent work connecting generalized Riesz products Hardy classes Banach s problem of simple Lebesgue spectrum in ergodic theory and flat polynomials.
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