UPC: 9789352800087 | It s Not Just Academic! : Essays on Sufism and Islamic Studies (Hardcover)

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UPC lookup results for: 9789352800087 | It s Not Just Academic! : Essays on Sufism and Islamic Studies (Hardcover)
A volume of essays on Islamic Studies with particular emphasis on Sufism and the need to stop looking at Islam as a religion that propagates violence. This collection of articles by Carl W Ernst summarizes over 30 years of research recovering and illuminating remarkable examples of Islamic culture that have been largely overlooked if not forgotten. It opens with reflections on teaching Islam focusing on major themes such as Sufism the Qur an the Prophet Muhammad and Arabic literature. The importance of public scholarship and the questionable opposition between Islam and the West are also addressed. The articles that follow explore multiple facets of Sufism the ethical and spiritual tradition that has flourished in Muslim societies for over a thousand years. The cumulative effect is to move away from static Orientalist depictions of Sufism and Islam through a series of vivid and creative case studies.
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