UPC: 9789048131853 | Methods of Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and Prognosis: Methods of Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and Prognosis: General Overviews Head and Neck Cancer and Thyroid Cancer (Hardcover)
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- The lowest price of Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis: General Overviews, Head and Neck Cancer and Thyroid Cancer (Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis, 7) was obtained on March 16, 2025 8:02 am.

UPC lookup results for: 9789048131853 | Methods of Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and Prognosis: Methods of Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and Prognosis: General Overviews Head and Neck Cancer and Thyroid Cancer (Hardcover)
There are more than 100 types of cancers In Part II head and neck cancer is d- affecting all parts of the human body. cussed. The global number of annual new More than 11 million people are diagnosed cases of this malignancy is 500 000. These with cancer every year and it is estimated malignancies include oral squamous cell that there will be 16 million new cases by carcinoma salivary gland tumors tons- the year 2020. In 2005 7. 6 million peo- lar cancer tongue cancer nasopharyngeal ple died of cancer that is 13% of the 58 carcinoma and retinoblastoma which are million deaths worldwide. It is estimated detailed. In Part III diagnosis therapy and that 9 million people will die from can- prognosis of thyroid carcinoma are d- cer worldwide in 2015 and 11. 4 million cussed. The global number of new cases of will die in 2030. More than 70% of all thyroid cancer is 141 000 and the number cancer deaths occur in low and middle of worldwide thyroid mortalities is 35 375. income countries. These statistics underlie The number of new cases of this cancer in the fact that cancer is the deadliest of all the United States is 33 550. Molecular human diseases. The enormity of the glo- genetics of thyroid cancer gene expr- bal healthcare costs as a result of cancer sion markers for diagnosis papillary t- cannot be overemphasized.
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