UPC: 9789089646392 | Playful Identities : The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures (Paperback)

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UPC lookup results for: 9789089646392 | Playful Identities : The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures (Paperback)
Digital media technologies increasingly shape how people relate to the world to other people and to themselves. This prompts questions about present-day mediations of identity. This book explores the notion of play as a heuristic lens to look at changing media practices and identity construction. Playful media culture is analyzed far beyond its apparent manifestation in computer games. The central argument of the book is that play and games nowadays are not only appropriate metaphors to capture post-modern human identities but also the very means by which people reflexively construct their identity. Homo Ludens 2.0 presents academic research at the intersection of media theory play and games studies social sciences and philosophy. The book carves out a cross-disciplinary domain that connects the most recent insights from play and game studies media research and identity studies.
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