UPC: 9788847021761 | Atlas of Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasonography: Staging and Treatment Options for Anorectal Cancer (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9788847021761 | Atlas of Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasonography: Staging and Treatment Options for Anorectal Cancer (Paperback)
Endoanal and endorectal ultrasound represents considerable progress in the field of anorectal imaging. Its importance in the staging of rectal and anal cancer in identifying perianasto motic neoplastic recurrences in defining acute and chronic suppurative disease and in assessing sphincteral anatomical integrity is now a confirmed reality. The evidence provided by endoanal and endorectal ultrasonography guides the colorectal surgeon in his choice among the various therapeutic approaches and helps in assessing the effects of the treatments applied. The great flexibility and high degree of reliability make this exploratory method an indispensable tool at all stages of the clinical course in the majority of patients with anorectal problems including the fundamental follow-up stage. The publication of this excellent volume on intraanal and intrarectal ultrasonog raphy is therefore to be appreciated especially since it is in the form of an atlas. As we are dealing with imaging it is particularly appropriate that it is the images that tell the story. Like all important things this volume does not come out of nothing. It is the result of many years of skilled work by Drs. G.A. Santoro and G. Di Falco and is based on the experience of internationally renowned professional experts. The ten sections of the atlas begin with general information on ultrasonography gradually progressing to the technical problems of the method and the aspects rela tive to anorectal tumors.This last section leads to a review of traditional and mod ern therapeutic possibilities.
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