UPC: 9786200282729 | Imaging the Bio-Field (Paperback)
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UPC lookup results for: 9786200282729 | Imaging the Bio-Field (Paperback)
This innovative research demonstrates it is possible to image the Qi of the body in a repeatable and reliable way using an advanced form of Kirlian Photography. By using computerized Gas Discharge Visualization technology developed by Dr Korotkov of the University of St Petersburg Russia the research reveals a correlation between the energy emission (photonic wave field) as imaged by the GDV technique at the fingertips and the energy (Qi) of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The author proposes that this correlation is functionally both holographic and non-local in nature and presents as a graphic example of quantum macroscopic entanglement. The paper discusses the historical antecedents of Kirlian photography and its present day application in the diagnosis of meridian imbalance and presents an in depth look at the nature and use of the Eight Extraordinary vessels.
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