UPC: 9783540694182 | Anorectal and Colonic Diseases: A Practical Guide to Their Management (Other)

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UPC lookup results for: 9783540694182 | Anorectal and Colonic Diseases: A Practical Guide to Their Management (Other)
Anorectal and Colorectal Diseases was frst published overall efect is a comprehensive and authoritativ-e ac in 1989 under the editorship of Marc-Claude Martico unt of the whole feld of colorectal practice. T – e lay and Jean-Claude Givel. Its success has now resulted in out is attractive making the text easy to digest and the a third edition which has an expanded chapter list to il lustrations are well chosen and helpful. Te bibliog – ra take into account the many developments that ha- ve o pchy of each chapter is in itself an impressive feature of curred in coloproctology during the last 2 y0 ears. Te the book; there are for example over 200 references in editors have chosen an international group of autho Crh sa pter 34 Management of Malignant Tumours . who are authorities in their feld. Tey have themselves Anorectal and Colorectal Diseases will be of immense contributed extensively to a work that comprises 49 va lue to hospital-based specialists in the felds of -diges chapters dealing with all aspects of colorectal diseas t e i. v e surgery and gastroenterology. It should also appeal Te book is divided into four sections. Sec t I io co nn- to specialist nurses and undergraduates. Te book will tains 18 chapters on topics that include basic anatomy s e rve both as a reference source of major importance physiology clinical methodology and investigations. a nd as a guide to clinical practice.
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